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All events included in the cost of basic registration except add-on Small Groups ($80 each) and Private Lessons ($80 each), which are available on a first-come, first-served basis as you register. Small groups have a maximum of 5 participants.
On-site Dorm Accommodations are available for $60/night from Tuesday night (7/9) through Sunday night (7/14). Rooms are in four (4) and eight (8) bedroom suites with shared bathrooms. (4-bedroom suites have two bathrooms and 8-bedroom bathrooms have four bathrooms)
If you would like to register for those accommodations, please indicate when completeing your registration form and you will receive a booking form.
Private Lessons$80 for 30 minute lesson
Small Groups (max 5 per group)$80 for 90 min
ACGM registration includes the Keynote Lecture on Thursday July 11, the F.M. Memorial Lecture on Saturday July 13, and all workshops on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Workshops have a maximum number of participants and will close for additional registration once limit has been reached. You will be able to modify your registration to to add, remove or change selections after your initial registration, subject to availability. Additional workshops, lessons and small groups may be added after registration opens. Schedule subject to change and registration for a particular event cannot be guaranteed.
Pre-ACGM registration includes all workshops on Wednesday July 10 and Thursday July 11.
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